Congratulations! You’ve been invited for a site visit. Now it’s time to prepare for your interview and pack for your trip.

Here’s what to pack for a physician site visit:

At least two outfits for the interview.

Wear business attire – even if the work environment seems more laid back. Never dress down. Overdressed is always better than underdressed. Be sure to pack something appropriate to wear to dinner at a nice restaurant. If you are invited to additional events for or at the organization, don’t be afraid to ask the recruiter about the dress code for those events.

Comfortable shoes.

A hospital’s campus can be very large, so you may be doing quite a bit of walking. If you don’t have comfortable dress shoes, you can always bring your dress shoes and slip them on when you arrive at the interview location.

Comfortable clothes.

Bring something more comfortable to change into so you can go explore the area. A site visit isn’t just to learn about the facility you could be working at but also the area where you’ll live.

Your watch.

You’ll want to keep track of time before – and possibly even during – your interview. A discreet glance at your wrist is far less obtrusive than pulling your phone out to check the time.


Miscellaneous items that may come in handy:
  • Your phone with important contact numbers
  • A phone charger
  • A small umbrella
  • An emergency kit with things you hope you don’t have to use such as pain relievers, allergy medication, a needle and thread, Band-Aids, and a laundry stain remover pen.
  • Breath mints
  • ID
  • Spare shoes
  • Water
  • Research


A professional-looking bag to carry to the interview. This can be a briefcase, an attaché or even a backpack will work, providing it’s clean and doesn’t look worn. 


Before you head to your interview, fill that professional-looking bag you brought with a few key items:


Cash, which you won’t need during your interview, but you may need it to get to and from the facility. It’s always a good idea to have cash on hand for cabs, tips, etc.

A printed copy of your CV and resume in case you need to refer to either one during your interview.

Printed directions to the location to make sure you know the office in which the interview is taking place. Some organizations have a large campus, and having to rush from one end to the other can make you feel rushed and unsettled going into your interview.

A list of questions you would like to ask your interviewer. You may want to reference this so you don’t forget to ask key questions during your conversation with the recruiter.

A folder or portfolio with rigid sides. Nothing is more unprofessional than whipping out a crumpled bunch of papers during the interview. You can also use it to store any other certificates, articles or documentation you may want to reference.

Pens and something to write on so you can take notes. Realistically, you won’t remember everything that is said, and jotting down pertinent information also helps convey your interest in what is being discussed.


One thing to leave at home: perfume or cologne. Many people can have a strong allergic reaction triggered by scents. You want to be remembered for the impression you make with your answers, not for causing an allergy attack.


You may ask, “Why do I need to print all this stuff out? I can store it all on my phone.”

There are a couple of problems with using your phone. The main one is: technology being technology. It’s only good if it works, and it only works if you can get a signal. Your carrier’s signal strength may vary greatly from what you are used to at home. If everything is on your phone and your phone doesn’t work, it could be catastrophic for your interview.

Second, your phone can become a distraction for both you and your interviewer if you must keep referring to it. It can even become an unwelcome third party in your conversation. The best place for your phone is on mute and in your bag.

Now that you know what you need to pack, you can focus on the important stuff – like preparing yourself for the interview and enjoying your first site visit to your next possible work home.