2020 will be a year remembered for widespread disruption because of COVID-19.

Some were fortunate enough that the interruption only meant working from home and canceling plans. For others, it was losing a job, facing serious illness or losing a loved one.

As we head into 2021, the longstanding tradition of New Year’s resolutions offers an opportunity to reflect on the past year and determine what we’d like to improve in the coming year.

According to a CIT Bank survey conducted by The Harris Poll, 43 percent of Americans intend to make New Year’s resolutions heading into 2021, up from 35 percent last year. About half of respondents plan goals around exercise, weight management, saving/budgeting or promoting more self-care. About 39 percent resolve to spend more time with family and friends.

For those serious about setting and achieving resolutions, they may use the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based) goals. Others may take a less formal approach and simply focus on specific aspects of self-improvement.

Whatever your preferred approach, a year like 2020 offers plenty of areas for reflection when determining what resolutions you’d like to set, whether that’s focusing on what matters most, enhancing life in some manner, or recommitting to a faded passion.

PracticeLink reached out to physicians and advanced practice providers to hear some of their resolutions heading into 2021. Here’s what they said:


Ali Al Khazaali, MD, Endocrinologist • Community Hospital – Munster, IN; St. Catherine Hospital – East Chicago, IN

“My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with my family. Between preparing for the board exams and my dedication and commitment to provide the best care for my patients, I forgot to spend time with my family. I need to sit with them and make a commitment to spend time with them.”


Abdul Shararah, MD, FRCSC, Hand & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

“Once COVID settles, hopefully soon, I want to visit my parents, all of my relatives, friends – and, yes, even my in-laws – and tell them how much I missed them and love them. You never know if you will ever get the chance to do so. I also want to spend more time with my wife and kids. Hopefully I will be able to fulfill my promise to take them to Disney.

“I’d also like to be better in my personal and professional life, and learn two new skills. And hopefully this is the year I will get a six pack!

“Finally, I pray for those who are no longer with us and that tomorrow will be better for all of us.”


Alberto Sanchez, MD, Psychiatrist, Locum Tenens, Physician • Queens, NY

“My goals for 2021 are to be happy and healthy together with those I love. I want to pay off debts, continue to do my best at work, and save money.”


Doug Bouldin, FNP-C • Ozzie Smith Center – Chesterfield, MO

“My resolution is to focus on helping patients navigate in this crazy world of misinformation and delusionary thinking that somehow science doesn’t matter in regard to COVID-19. I need to help patients understand that medical providers are not the enemy and do not engage in misleading information.”


These are only a few of the 2021 New Year’s resolutions from physicians and providers throughout the country. What personal or professional goals are you setting – and do you plan to measure your progress?