Being a physician is amazing. Dealing with student loans is not. PracticeLink and physician student loan expert Joy Sorensen Navarre want to change that with a series of four PracticeLink webinars dedicated to student loans.

You’ll learn why these loans are so confusing, how you can navigate the puzzle and how to save thousands on your student loans with help from Joy, President of Navigate Student Loans. In just seven years, Navigate is on track to save physicians $280,839,880 on student loans.

Also, you’ll get an update on the Biden Administration’s changes to student loans and the opportunities these changes create for physicians.

Joy will show you why physician student loans are so perplexing, and how you could save $40,000 to more than $400,000 on your student loans.

If you’re in a PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgiveness) program, she’ll offer critical advice to ensure your loans are forgiven. Did you know only 2 percent of those planning on loan forgiveness actually receive it? Don’t let that happen to you. Join us for all four webinars to restore your peace of mind about student loans.