Consulting an attorney specializing in health care contract review can ensure you’re clear on the commitments of your new opportunity.

AFTER MONTHS OF RESEARCH, interviews, more research, more interviews, site visits, waiting, phone calls and emails, the time has come to sign on the dotted line. You and an employer have decided that you are a match, and your job search has come to an end. Well…almost. Though you could just sign the contract that has been given to you and go on about your day, that would be inadvisable. Your contract is a legal document, and you will be subject to its terms and conditions for its entire length. So now what? Here’s why you need a physician contract attorney:

Consult a health care attorney

This is probably the single most important tip to follow before signing a contract or when reviewing your offer letter. It’s certain that the potential employer had a lawyer write the contract—so it is in your interests to have a lawyer interpret it. The language used in legal documents is not the same as what is used in everyday language, or what is used in medicine. It is very precise both in what it says and does not say. When it is imprecise is important, too. An attorney who specializes in reviewing medical employment contracts will be able to let you know what everything means, and help clarify any of your questions.

An attorney who specializes in reviewing medical employment contracts will be able to let you know what everything means, and help clarify any of your questions.

Start the communication

If your attorney alerts you to clauses that need clarification or that you find unacceptable, do not hesitate to go back to the potential employer. Some of your requests may be doable; others won’t. Be respectful yet clear in what’s most important to you.

Get clear on compensation

While you have your attorney’s ear, ensure you know exactly how the compensation is structured. What are the expectations in terms of call and coverage? What happens if a procedure that you perform is no longer one that is offered by the hospital or organization?

Finding the right partner

To find an attorney specializing in health care law, either call a law office and ask for the specialty, or ask your in-house physician recruiter for recommendations.

There are many aspects of a medical employment contract that will need reviewed by both you and your lawyer; we have only touched on a few of them. The most important takeaway is that once your contract is signed, you will be living with its terms for years to come. Do your due diligence and consult with an expert before you take that final step in your job search.

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