Kavita Jain, M.D.
Tutoring medical students helps Kavita Jain, M.D., retain foundational knowledge and prepare others. – Photography by Jakub Redziniak.

Name: Kavita Jain, M.D., Medical Center of Central Georgia, Macon, Georgia


Undergraduate: Johns Hopkins University

Medical school: Atlantic University School of Medicine, Saint Lucia

Residency: Medical Center of Central Georgia

Tutoring medical students helps prepare them for exams such as the USMLE, COMLEX, MCAT, board certification exams, all third-year medical school shelf exams and all medical school subject area exams. Physician tutoring, such as with Select Med Tutors, takes place online for maximum flexibility for both students and tutors. Kavita Jain, M.D., has tutored med students for five years.

What do you like about being a tutor?

The thing I like the most is being able to share my cumulative medical knowledge with the future generation of physicians. They’re so motivated to succeed in their career that it’s really a privilege to help students achieve the performance necessary on their examinations to reach their aspirations, whatever they may be.

What’s the most challenging part of the role?

I think there can be intense pressure on the tutor to help his or her student meet their target test score. There can be high stakes involved because some residencies can be dependent on test score. That being said, it’s incredibly fulfilling and gratifying to get a call or text from a student saying, “I did it!” They got the score they wanted and they know that they can apply for whatever their specialty may be.

How do you balance being a tutor with residency?

Life is really all about balance. Most tutors I know tend to become personally invested in their students. That’s great, but I also think it can become overwhelming at times. It’s really important to find a level that allows physicians to balance their professional practice with tutoring. It’s also important to find the position of being a tutor with a company that is willing to give you the flexibility you need.

Was there anything about tutoring that surprised you?

I really didn’t realize how helpful being a tutor would be in my clinical life. Teaching requires me to be constantly up to date with the foundational knowledge and content tested on the standardized board exams, and that helps at work. The foundational knowledge, I think, is under appreciated. It’s really helpful to have that to rely on, and I’m definitely grateful.

What advice would you have for a physician who might want to become a tutor?

Again, I think it’s all about balance. Most associates I know have become really invested in how their students do, and that makes it a wonderful job—but also demanding. It’s important to start slowly and make sure it’s right. Find a position as a tutor that allows you to have flexibility.

How can physicians get started tutoring med students?

Reach out! I called companies about opportunities, and I was drawn to Select Med Tutors because they didn’t require me to commit to a minimum number of students or hours. That allowed me to get into tutoring and make sure it’s something I wanted to do. I think it’s important to have that kind of flexibility early on. The head tutor is available 24/7, and the staff is always there to provide guidance if I have a difficult situation.

It’s a flexible lifestyle, especially now that all of the tutoring is performed via Zoom. It’s really conducive to having a good work/life balance.