Tony Moon, M.D.
“PracticeLink made it extremely easy to narrow down my search,” says Tony Moon, M.D. – Photo by Djamel Ramoul

Employer: Lakeland Regional Medical Center Primary Care

Residency and completion year: Family Medicine (2021)

Moon enjoys traveling, working out and spending time with his family. He is an advocate for lifestyle and preventive medicine.

What surprised you about your first post-residency job or job search?

How easy it was to use the PracticeLink website! It’s very easy to navigate.

What’s your advice for residents just beginning their job search?

Don’t worry about finding employment; physicians will always be in demand! One of my mentors in residency told me to first narrow down which area of the country you want to practice in, then urban vs. rural areas, then what kind of practice you want to be a part of.

What was the most important factor in your search for a new job?

Location, location, location! PracticeLink made it extremely easy to narrow down my search!

Anything unique about your job search?

I was the first in my residency class to make a profile on PracticeLink. I ended up telling everyone how easy it was, and I started to get phone calls and emails right after!

How did PracticeLink help you in your physician job search?

I whole heartedly believe it was PracticeLink that made the connection between me and my future first job as a “real” doctor!