female employee speaking in a meeting

What happens after you set up a candidate profile on PracticeLink.com? A friendly member of our provider relations department will call or email, inviting you to complete an inDepth Interview.

At its core, an inDepth Interview is a deeper look into the basic information you include in your PracticeLink profile.

It’s a chance to explain the why behind your job search. You’ll have the chance to go deeper into your professional interests and what sets you apart as a candidate.

An inDepth Interview only takes 5 to 10 minutes over the phone and can also be done over email. The goal is to help you better connect with physician recruiters at the more than 5,000 organizations who use PracticeLink to recruit the providers they need.

For instance, if you note that you’re looking for opportunities in the Pittsburgh area, the inDepth Interview gives you the opportunity to explain why, specifically, you’re looking in that area. (Obviously, the reason will no doubt be that you can’t tolerate the prospect of not having access to a Primanti Bros. sandwich.)

Here’s how PracticeLink improves physician job search:

Benefits of an inDepth Interview

When you complete an inDepth Interview, we’re able to share that information with the in-house recruiters who use PracticeLink.

The interviews help recruiters get a better look at who you are and help to start the conversations that can lead you to be hired. The more information a recruiter has, the more likely they are to reach out to you.

Instead of stiffly asking why you are looking for opportunities in the Pittsburgh area, for example, they can commiserate with you about the virtues of a sandwich from Primanti Bros.

Conversely, they may say something like Primanti Bros. makes good sandwiches, but have you had a cheesesteak fresh from Pat’s King of Steaks, at which point you would need to determine if you were willing to work for an organization that would employ someone who thought the two were comparable. (I should also mention that any sandwich preferences expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the sandwich preferences of PracticeLink, its employees, or its affiliates.)

Obviously, there will be more in your inDepth Interview than your sandwich preferences.

We cover the important things that will set you apart from other candidates with essentially the same qualifications. Because the cultures at individual employers are very different, something as simple as being involved with a specific charity could easily be the difference in getting a call from that organization or not.

This is not just useful for the recruiters. When you are being actively recruited by an organization that has read your inDepth Interview, they will already have a good idea if you’re a possible good fit. This helps you much more easily find the places that you will be happy to practice.

There are other reasons for completing an inDepth Interview with PracticeLink. It helps you consider what you might be looking for in an opportunity that you may not have thought of before. It also helps you get some practice interviewing.

If you haven’t yet completed an inDepth Interview—or it’s time for an update—please reach out to the team and complete one at your first opportunity.