You’re almost out of residency or fellowship and eager to sign your first contract. You’ve met with recruiters, received offers and like the sound of the compensation and benefits with a couple of the placements, but have you considered all the details of the position, including where you will practice?

Considering the where includes the type of practice and size of the organization, but it’s also about the location itself and the level of relocation assistance when it comes to a possible move.

When relocating, ask yourself these questions and think about what might deter you from accepting an opportunity in a specific area and what would be your job relocation deal breakers.

Is it family-friendly?

If you are currently single, this might seem like an easy question to skip. However, if you hope to someday have a family, you might need to consider whether you can see settling down and having a significant other and children in your new residence.

If you have a spouse and either have children or want children in the future, you’ll want to make sure there are opportunities for your partner to pursue their own career, feel comfortable with your new living situation and also have access to good schools and activities for everyone in the family. It will be difficult for you to remain confident and happy in your decision if your family isn’t also happy where you choose.

Are there other opportunities available to you?

This offer may seem perfect right now, but what happens if the practice merges, you have a new supervisor with whom you don’t mesh or you don’t want to renew your contract? Without other practices or potential jobs in the area, you could be looking to move again sooner than you think. That’s not to say you should keep your options open before you even sign an offer, but it helps to be aware of other potential opportunities if this specific role doesn’t work out long term.

Do you see yourself living or practicing there long-term?

When you do your site visit, imagine yourself at the organization, facility and living in the city. Do you see yourself buying a house, enjoying the lifestyle, appreciating what the area has to offer and continuing your career there? If you wouldn’t want to live somewhere for more than a few years, you probably shouldn’t make the move.