Banishing Burnout

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Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the physician burnout problem has increased among all specialties, so it's important to find work/life balance.

Physician burnout causes

It’s constantly discussed, but here are some physician burnout causes and how practice takes a toll.

By Bruce Armon November 30, 2022

Setting physician money goals is important, especially after completing training and receiving your first large paychecks.

Managing physician finances

You’re practicing and making more, but are you managing physician finances and being smart with money?

By Disha Spath, M.D. November 30, 2022

There are many resources for helping physicians invest through real estate, so it's important to know if it's for you and how to best do so.

Physicians investing in real estate

There are many physicians investing in real estate, and one dotcor is helping others invest.

By Marcia Travelstead November 29, 2022

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